Rebellion: We Are Not A Viking Metal Band
Interview with bassist Tomi Göttlich by Vera in November 2009
Rebellion came into being when Uwe Lulis (guitarist and producer) and Tomi Göttlich (bass) were kicked out of Grave Digger. Since they are into the Viking theme for three albums and are a proper German heavy metal band, we contacted them for an interview now that the Viking story has come to an end. What’s next? How does the band look upon them fellow Viking metal bands? Interesting questions? Not for bass player Tomi. He is just pissed off by getting questions by e-mail. Well okay, if that’s your attitude of getting promotion, we go for it.
I just found out on your site that Uwe has to have an operation on his leg and Rebellion will not play gigs until mid 2010. What happened? I wish him strength! Tomi: Uwe had a heavy motorcycle accident in which his leg was pretty much destroyed, after several operations they had managed to put the leg together again but things have not worked as they should have so he has to have another operation, it is of course not easy for the band, but it is much worse for Uwe. We wish him strength and hope the best.
Long before the genre became so popular you decided the write a concept about the history of the Vikings. I guess – although most of the metal community has heard at least anything about it – this took a lot of preparation to come up with a detailed concept. How did you start working on this huge work? Tomi: By simply reading everything I could get my hands on, from historical books to the original sources and even historical novels, I think I have read almost everything which is available in German and English language. After some months it became clearer and clearer how the stuff could be fitted into a concept.
Because we have arrived at the full story, it would be fine if you can summarize the story on each album in general: - Sagas of Iceland – The History of the Vikings – part I The history of the Western expansion of the Viking tribes, to Iceland, Greenland, America and into the Normandy. The Danish even ruled as Kings over England.
- Miklagard – The History of the Vikings – part II The history of the Eastern expansion of the Viking tribes, there are only few historical sources on that topic so vast areas are still speculation so we had to make up a fictional story based on what is known of the journey from Sweden to the famous Miklagard (todays Istanbul)
- Arise – From Ginnungagap to Ragnarök – The History of the Vikings – part III The mythology of the Vikings, since the material is large and contradictory at times we decided to start with the creation of the world (Ginnungagap) and end with its end (Ragnarök). Between those topics we introduced the main characters of the Northern Gods.
As Uwe Lulis is an eminent guitar player, it would be nice to hear some words about his influences (bands, artists, music) when he started and how he eventually got into metal… Tomi: I do not know, I think he first played with the Pink Sissys, a gay Rock Band, he then had an operation to play with Girlschool. After that he played mostly with his balls and then joined Grave Digger. I guess metal has gotten more to him lately for he has about 1 pound of metal plates all along his leg, that is true Metal isn´t it.
You have a female guitarist, which is, let’s put it straight, still remarkable in the metal scene. Can you tell a bit more about Simone and her background? Tomi: Uwe saw her on some gig she was playing with some band. I can not really recall the name, he liked her s when Björn dropped out we decided to give her a chance. She does well, she even swallows (that was a joke – she does definitely not swallow – I think – honestly I do not know)
Tomi, this is a serous interview. The album is recorded and produced in Uwe’s Black Solaris studio in Frankfurt. In the epic track ‘Thor’ one can hear string arrangements. Can you tell a bit more about the recording process this time? Tomi: Sorry but what exactly do you want to know??? You know I really hate these email interviews, I really prefer talking to people.
Well yeah, then you should have called me. You have played many gigs, did many tours, but what will always be remembered of being on the road? Can you tell us some highlights? Tomi: NO, it is a simple rule, what happens on the road stays on the road, I can tell you that much, I have had enough experiences to let me settle down now and live a bit more quietly but I do not regret a single thing, hey Vera, if we meet personally maybe I´ll show you a bit (joke joke joke)
Mmm and maybe the most spinal tap moment as well… Tomi: MMMMM see above
Are you planning to make a video of some of the songs? Tomi: Sure, if you can convince our record company to pay for it, they have not been so generous lately.
The album was preceded by an EP in June 2009. Can you tell a bit more about that? Tomi: It has the track Rebellion on it, which Uwe and myself have written in the nineties, we recorded it with some band back then, can’t seem to recall the name right now, anyway, we still play it live and people just kept asking for a new recording, after listening t the results I must say people were right.
As said before, you started with this topic in the time when Viking/pagan metal was present, but before the “huge boomâ€. Do you follow the Viking scene? Are there any bands in that genre you like to listen to as well? Tomi: No, I never did, you see I have a house, two dogs a wife a kid and I use wood for heating which has to be drawn out of the woods, chopped and stored, I have a stressful job so I simply do not have time to follow the music scene as I had a couple of years earlier.
Did you visit Magic Circle Festival (as Manowar can be seen as the father of all Viking bands ïŠ - or don’t you agree on that) Tomi: I know my father personally and I am pretty sure he has not got anything to do with Manowar, Rebellion do not consider themselves to be a Viking Metal band and I would not really know which children Manowar have sired, we would however like to play at that festival, please tell the booker that he can find our booking address through our homepage.
Well, the Viking theme has come to an end for you now I think. Do you have any ideas for a next concept or – at least – an album in future? Tomi: Yes
I wish you all the best, hope to see you on stage again in the second half of 2010 and thanks again for your time. Tomi: Oh no prob
No prob… but big probs to get this thing on line…
Geplaatst door Vera op vrijdag 20 november 2009 - 23:21:39
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