Secrets Of The Moon: Darkness, Depth and Emotions
Interview with drummer Thelemnar of Secrets Of The Moon by Vera in November 2009
German Secrets Of The Moon is one of the most innovative bands on Lupus Lounge, the sublabel of Prophecy Productions specialized in bands with black metal roots but going far beyond that. Early Autumn this year, they released their new album ‘Privilegivm’ that really amazed me. Since eclectic music often gets too few publicity, I decided to relish this release with an interview. The band had just returned from a long tour and I understand that Thelemnar was not so eager to spend days and nights on his computer during this recovery time. Thus the answers may be a bit brief, but the essence is there. I can only suggest to discover this great band and let the music do the talking…
Lately you have been touring intensively, so let’s kick off with your impressions of these gigs (still fresh on your mind). First of all there was a European trip. How did it go, what were the highlights and what about the other bands? Who were the finest lads to hang out with? We toured through some European countries like England, Norway, Holland, Austria, Denmark and, of course and as always, Germany, together with our Icelandic friends Sólstafir and the British/Norwegian band Code. It was really a good time, we enjoyed it a lot and the good thing was that there hasn’t been a headliner at all. All bands were equal with a playing time of 60 minutes and a rotating running order.
On the 12th of October it was time for a new adventure. You embarked for the US tour. I am eager to hear your comments on the American conquest… It was a new experience, a lot of things are and go different over there. The audience was always good and I was surprised that so many already knew our band. They are very open minded and like to talk about music. We toured there with Divine Heresy, a band of Dino Cazares (Fear Factory) and Moonspell, with whom we shared the nightliner. Very nice and kind people who treated us fair and friendly. All in all it was a good tour.
In 2006 ‘Antithesis’ came out and it got rave reviews. But then a few minor things happened. Can you tell a bit more about the departure of vocalist Daevas and guitarist A.D.? They just lost the interest and couldn’t combine some personal things with the band anymore.
Now there are no original members in the band anymore, but you have created the best record ever (at least IMHO) Who were the main composers for this one and how did the writing process evolved? (incensed) sG and me are the main songwriters since "Carved In Stigmata Wounds". You don’t need "original members" in a band. Do you think that these people always run a band and write the songs? These questions bore me so much and I can’t understand that at all. Yes, we recorded a good album and for me it’s total freedom, cause sG and me were able, for the first time, to compose and record our visions without having any discussions. That’s a great feeling!
You have found a new bass player in LSK. This seems to be a long time friend. Can you tell a bit more about her? How did you ever get in contact, when, etc.? LSK is from Paris/France, we are very glad to have her in the band and met her some years ago. She is also active in the bands Hell Militia and Vorkreist.
This record has a wealthy opulence of non-black influences, but it remained its harsh heart. Which bands/artists can we see as a kind of influence for you? Good music with spirit and heart from the last 4 decades.
‘Harvest’ is a mighty opus. Can you tell a bit more about this composition? It is the longest track on the new album and some parts have been written by A.D. nearly 3 years ago. It is the only legacy from the old line-up.
I am always interested in lyrics. What were the main topics on this record? Is there a kind of red thread or concept? No concept, but darkness, death and emotions.
‘Shepherd’ is another favourite of mine. Fine Mellotron and magnificent solo! Am I wrong when telling you it has a kind of seventies progressive flavour? I don’t know if it is progressive... it is just very old, atmospheric and psychedelic rock. It is also one of my favourites and I like this style very much. Yes, sG played a very good solo!
Can you tell a bit more about the recording process? Any differences with the previous studio efforts? sG and me recorded the drums and guitars alone, LSK joined us later for the bass lines and the vocals. We had more time than 3,5 years ago, so we’ve been able to be spontaneous, to live out our ideas and feelings. It was relaxed, a great and intense time and again a pleasure to work with M. Stock (Markus Stock alias Schwadorf of Empyrium/The Vision Bleak fame at Studio E – VM). For me he is the best producer in Germany and also one of the best in Europe.
The deluxe box is really a special one. Maybe this is the moment to do some promotion for this extra release… And can you tell a bit more about the remixes on the 7†singles? Maybe the promotion comes a bit too late, as it’s already nearly sold out. Was limited to 999... The remixes are on 2 x 7", all in all 4! I like the versions of these (dark) ambient bands, they open new gates and showed also us new things within our tracks.
What are the plans for the near future? Is there a chance for more touring? (and hopefully visit Belgium or the Netherlands)? Yes, we’ll go again on tour next year. We’ve been already in the Netherlands, but maybe we make it to Belgium. Was always good for us over there.
I was fascinated by your late gig at Summer Breeze last year!! What are your memories on that gig? It was remarkable you played many new songs… Of course, it was announced as our release show! I didn’t like the show too much. It was too late, the last day and the people were tired. Anyway, good that you enjoyed it.
In a live situation you are invigorated by guitarist Ar (he once played with Negura Bunget – VM). Do you consider expanding the band with a second guitarist again? We are very glad to have him as our guitarist on stage, he’s doing always a great job and kicks ass! A great musician and friend. SOTM is sG, LSK and me… We write the songs and everything is fine. We don’t need a permanent 2nd guitarist.
If there is any news I forgot to cover or anything you want to say, please go ahead… Thank you for this interview and your kind words about our music. No questions about the cover for the first time. And I forgive you the question concerning this "original member" topic... I’m tired.
Geplaatst door Vera op donderdag 03 december 2009 - 16:57:29
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