VYRE: The Infinite Realm of Space and Time is my Shelter
Interview with vocalist KG Cypher of Vyre by Vera in January 2014
Vyre is a new post black metal band, including three quondam members of [G)Eïs[t). That was the first reason to be extra excited, since ‘Galeere’ still happens to be an often played masterpiece in our house. The Vyre debut album ‘The Initial Frontier pt. 1’ has it all: a mind-blowing theme about space and the universe, challenging musical interactions and moving atmospheric fragments. Enough reasons to contact the band and present them to our readers in a more detailed way. Vocalist KG Cypher was our partner in crime, answering the questions.
Since several Vyre members have a congenial past in (G)Eïs(T), let us start from there. What happened in that band and how did you end up with three members in Vyre? There is not much to tell about that topic. I was released from my duty for Eïs and the way I was fired in combination with the musical direction the front man wanted to go was not appealing for Zyan and Hedrykk. So it became that we took the songs we have written for the would-be follow-up of ‘Galeere’ and squeezed them in the lyrical concept I proposed to the guys. They instantly liked the concept and the songs fit in very naturally.
What were the initial purposes when starting Vyre? Any strict differences in musical approach or way of working, compared to Eïs? (because to me it seems a perfect successor of ‘Galeere’ to be honest) There are two fundamental things in which Vyre differs from the ‘Wetterkreuz’-Eïs. First is that we write our songs as a band, not as a one-man show. The initial idea of a song is still brought in by anyone of us, but we start to work on it together quite early in the writing process. Second is that we are definitely not a retrospective band.
Firstly a demo was launched at the world. Please tell us about the reactions and the achievements you reached with this first musical effort… It brought us the deal with Supreme Chaos Records which we are very happy with. Other than that, the reactions were not worth mentioning. Business stuff really.
The song-writing process was very fruitful resulting in two albums, at least a part 1 and upcoming part 2. Well, let us focus on the concept now. It is about space, also reflected in the music, but some more details about this fascinating concept would be nice… It is not mainly about capturing the atmosphere of space; more about the things that go on in it. It is more of a space opera/sci-fi story. We all gain more from stories that fascinate us with a colourful background, fantastic surroundings and most of all robots and freaking lasers, than we do from just a bunch of hard facts slapped in our faces. Maybe it is not as shocking as the plain grim truth, but you remember the epic stuff longer and the message creeps in from somewhere out of your sight and bunkers up in your subconscious. That may sound a bit meta, but that is what it is all about. Telling a fascinating story with a morale. The whole story is mainly about two civilizations. One is mankind and the other is a sentient robotic race from somewhere outta space. At a certain point they stumble upon each other and at least human nature is bound to fuck it up. As always.
As I am very interested in mysteries and space myself, I think you (or at least some of you) have a more than average fascination for space, the universe and science fiction. I would like to hear more about that interest? I can only speak for myself here. The infinite realm of space and time is my shelter, my bible. It protects me from getting all caught up in modern day bullshit. It helps me to know where my place is. It makes me humble. I like science fiction because it lets me have a glimpse on characters closer connected to the spacer future (which I dreamed of since my child days) which we certainly will never see when man does not start to change for better, now.
Sometimes when having a bit fantasy I think the subject of space can be more mind-blowing than vintage psychedelic music, isn’t it? You don’t need fantasy for that. Just a brain is enough. Space eats vintage psychedelic stuff for breakfast. Or maybe inhales it without noticing. That is like comparing a dust particle to a neutron star.
The amazing thing on Vyre’s metal is that it is rooted in black metal, but open for different elements. For example the piano and bluesy guitar in ‘Fragile Equilibrium’ is surprising. Can you tell a bit more about that? Frankly, no. There is not much to this particular outbreak of lounginess. It just felt right at that point. It is just an ear-opener I guess. Nothing more but also nothing less. We have a lot of influences that root outside of metal, but most of the time it is so deeply integrated in our music that it is hard to recognize.
What are your influences as musician(s)? How did you get into metal and what do you like to listen to nowadays? Again one I can only answer regarding myself. I am influenced by everything I hear. Every genre, even non-music sounds I hear. It gets digested and is reflected some way or another in the music I make. As I stated before we are not retrospective, so I try not to be influenced by something specific too much. The first time I was deliberately exposed to rock music was 1991 when I was 11 years old. My older sister played Motörhead's ‘1916’ for me. I was intrigued but it was too early. Same year I started to listen to Guns 'n' Roses. From there it was only a short intense trip from Metallica, Sepultura, Obituary, Carcass, Morbid Angel. Something like that. Then around 1994 came black metal, which stayed with me to this very day as my hearts music. I also released my first black metal demo in 1995 with a band called Armageddon, so this is the music I feel socialized with. Be aware that most of what you get when you google Armageddon is another German band I am not connected with.
What can you tell about the recording process? Is part 2 already recorded as well? Yes. We recorded both parts like we would do a single album. Only the mix and master are yet to be finished, but it will keep the spirit of part 1 to stay consistent.
Who did the artwork and can you tell a bit more about its symbolism? It is done by Hicham Haddaji of Strychneen Studio. The traveller in the centre could be anyone. Is everyone. Being badly prepared, full of hope and wonder, fear and despair. Wandering off into the unknown far reaches of space. Like we feel we do with our music. Bitter sweet escapism.
What about playing live? Are there plans for shows or even a tour in 2014? Some plans are in the making, but we intent to play as much as possible. Apart from one or two gigs nothing is set in stone. We are working hard on a live adaptation of the material. We are hungry. You do not by chance organize metal gigs, do you? Hehe.
No, I don’t, I’m sorry. I guess you will be busy with finalizing part 2 soon. Can you lift a tip of the veil of the second part of this huge concept (music & story-wise)? When will it be released? Musically it will not differ from part 1 that much. It is really just the second half of the whole album. Story-wise it will be a true sequel although equally cryptic as the first instalment. There will be a lot to discover. There will be betrayal, there will be war. It will lay the foundation of the things to come. It will most likely be released in the first half of 2014.
And in general for Vyre, what are the plans for the near future? The usual. Writing new stuff, playing live, spreading the message and maybe do a video clip which will be a big challenge with 7+ minute songs.
If I forgot to cover something that you want to mention in the interview, feel free to do it right here… That's not my job. It's yours, haha. If you forgot something you can ask it when you do an interview for ‘The Initial Frontier part 2’. Thanks for the opportunity to be heard and the effort you put into it.
Thank you for the amazing music and this interview…
Geplaatst door Vera op woensdag 15 januari 2014 - 20:10:48
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